Summer Nights Are For Camping

I have a confession to make. I don't really like summer. Not only is it too hot for long hikes and spending time outdoors in general, it's also the season of rattlesnakes, wildfires, and heatwaves . So when it gets into the 100's in the valleys where we live, a drive up to higher altitudes is always a welcome retreat. A few weekends ago, we did just that, joining some friends for a little camping trip in the San Gorgonio mountains. When the hike we had planned was closed due to a forest fire, we decided to explore a nearby body of water on our map, which turned out to be Jenks Lake, a picturesque little spot for picnicking, fishing, canoeing and kayaking. 

According to interweb folklore, some have claimed sightings of a lone alligator that inhabits the lake. We put Hoku out on the rocks as bait to lure it out, but no luck. (Kidding.) Here are some snapshots from our trip!

Tent + Sleeping Bags: Ticla  |  Blanket: Allku Pets