Getting Ready for the Holidays

We're in full swing getting ready for our first Christmas in the new house! Family will be flying in from Hong Kong and New York next week and the pressure is ON to get our kitchen ready. Sanding and painting the cabinets, installing baseboards, replacing the cabinet door hinges, among a million little things! It's been stressful thinking about whether we can make it, but hey, Christmas isn't about having a beautiful, kind-of-newish kitchen, but spending time with loved ones and a warm puppy, am I right? (Though having a beautiful, kind-of-newish kitchen to cook and bake our favorite Christmas foods in wouldn't hurt one bit!)

Here is the prettier of side of what's been going on so far: just hanging up the stockings, wrapping presents, driving to the tree lot and grabbing one of the last trees because we procrastinated, trimming said last-minute tree with our small collection of ornaments and discovering that a 6-foot tree requires at least 4x as many ornaments as our 3-foot trees from previous years...all to the tune of "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" by N'Sync because after all these years, it is still one of our faves and we're not ashamed of it. #liveauthentic